Native American Nation Branding
Tohono O’odham Youth Suicide Prevention Program: “Dreamscape” Brand
The “Dreamscape” brand connects with our audience through the powerful landscape of dreams. Dreams help us process experiences and put our feelings in context. If we pay attention to and build upon the encoded messages of our dreams, we can change the Dreamscape.
Through the program our audience is encouraged to build their own Dreamscape. Slowly but surely, in this safe place new ideas and possibilities emerge. Our audience becomes actively engaged in shaping their own life and finding their own path through the powerful inner world of the dream.
Dreams are where we wake up to things we can’t see in conscious life. Our concept accesses the seed of thought through the subconscious.
In our dreams we can see answers, insights, designs and patterns that we can use in our waking lives. With Dreamscape, our audience first learns to see the dream, and then finds the courage to participate in the dream by imagining more deeply. Finally, the dream finds its way to the outward manifestation of a new role for themselves in life.
Our brand creative reflects the relationship between the inward dream and outward manifestations of the dream. We help our audience imagine confidence, self-expression, community, and their purpose.
It starts in small ways with dreams that come out of the landscape. The rock features of a mountain inspire the necklace design you create. The color of the crimson sunset becomes the accent of your painting. The desert surface provides a ramp for you to fly with the wind on your skateboard.
Tohono O’Odham Nation Event Line: Age of the Pinacate and Creation Story
The most extensive and far reaching Event Line created by WestWordVision, our research traced the Nation’s assets through time, all the way back to their creation story. The categories of assets from the Event Line were selected to be used specifically to create the brand for the Tohono O’odham Youth Suicide Prevention program.
Our approach connects the Tohono O’odham Nation’s cultural identity with strategies, messages and branding of The Respect Our Life project. Using our social science method in this first phase, the report aligned the facets of the Nation’s culture with what youth and community members in the Nation value most to create an authentic brand and more avenues of engagement.
A Brand Strategy Report established the foundation for creating and implementing a community-based communications and public relations plan for the Garrett Lee Smith Tribal Youth Suicide Prevention Grant on the Tohono O’odham Nation known as The Respect Our Life project. The Communications Plan was developed to increase community suicide prevention awareness and assist The Tohono O’odham Nation’s Department of Health and Human Services / Division of Behavioral Health in assessing, treating, and managing suicidal patients for the Youth Suicide Prevention Program.
View the Brand Strategy Report.
View the Communications Plan.